
104 – 145 Asher Road,
Kelowna, BC

Clinic Hours:

7:30am – 6:00pm
Monday – Friday



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Please call clinic to book appointments for any Osteo, WCB, ICBC or MSP.

Rutland Physical Therapy is a Kelowna Physiotherapy, Osteopathy & Manual Therapy Clinic.

2017 Ortho-Bionomy Workshops

2017 Ortho-Bionomy workshops announced! 

Ortho-Bionomy is based on the principles of Osteopathy and Martial arts.  “Structure governs function”, “move away from resistance, pain, and find a place of comfort.”  It is a simple, gentle method of facilitated healing through techniques of ‘positional release’, ‘reflex response’ ‘balancing energy’ it can help release tension and allowing the body to realign to its natural state.

2017 OB workshop dates

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