
104 – 145 Asher Road,
Kelowna, BC

Clinic Hours:

7:30am – 6:00pm
Monday – Friday



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Rutland Physical Therapy is a Kelowna Physiotherapy, Osteopathy & Manual Therapy Clinic.

Women of ANY age will benefit from this information!

Women of ANY age will benefit from this information! Before proceeding, have you been doing the First 3 Critical Steps? Create your adrenal rejuvenation regime. Reduce your adrenal stress by creating sugar free days. Reduce your adrenal stress by reducing caffeine consumption. At this point, your hot flashes may be starting to improve (or they […]


KEY STEPS TO OVERCOMING SUB-CLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM The GREAT NEWS is that if you have been following along in the Creating Total Health Series and taking action where appropriate for you, then you won’t have a lot of work left to do. BUT, if you haven’t been following the lesson series, then you will see there […]

This is a must read for EVERY woman

Brenda Eastwood’s Monthly Women’s Health Newsletter This is a must read for EVERY woman No matter what your age, even if you aren’t suffering from hot flashes and night sweats You will be amazed at what you discover! As you have discovered hot flashes and night sweats don’t go away on their own and obviously […]

Sub-clinical Low Thyroid

Lesson 93: Sub-clinical Low Thyroid Look and Feel Fabulous with Brenda Eastwood WHAT IS SUB-CLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM Our definition for this term is as follows: when the body has symptoms of hypothyroidism but the blood tests do not confirm this condition. It is common to start noticing sub-clinical hypothyroidism symptoms after a tonsillectomy (the tonsils are […]

This concerns Everyone

Lesson 92: This Concerns Everyone (Part Two)   Look and Feel Fabulous with Brenda Eastwood WHAT YOU BREATHE IN Review the commercial products in your home.  At your local grocery store you’ll find there’s a natural alternative for just about everything on the market.  And they are usually cost-effective, as natural products tend to be […]

Are you affected by Xenoestrogens?

Lesson 91: This Concerns Everyone (Part One)   Look and Feel Fabulous with Brenda Eastwood One of the biggest problems facing women, men and children today is the number of xenoestrogens that they are exposed to. WHAT DOES XENOESTROGENS MEAN? Xeno means foreign, so xenoestrogens mean foreign estrogens. This refers to environmental compounds that generally […]

Feldenkrais Seminar in Kelowna + Vernon Workshop

Go to page 2 for Workshop poster. (At bottom left of this page) [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Feldenkrais workshop & seminar”]

Workshop Sept 6th – Release your shoulders

Learn the Franklin Method at this 2 hour workshop. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”workshop sept 6″]


MTHFR gene If you follow a lot of health blogs and podcasts, you’ve probably heard of the MTHFR gene. People with mutations in this gene have problems with methylation and folate metabolism, which can translate into a wide variety of signs and symptoms including: Fatigue Brain fog Anxiety or depression Infertility or miscarriage High homocysteine […]